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Paddai, , United States
Tôi là Nam/Nữ/Gay/Les: Nam
Age: 47 | View biorythm
Location: United States
Last Activity: 11-10-19

I am very much available.
Giới thiệu bản thân
I am cool ,humble ,down to earth and very much willing to settle down.l have put all the drama behind me and I am willing to start afresh with a very positive out look.l am strictly a one woman type of guy.l love a lot of outdoor and indoor activities. I am also a christian who believes strongly in God and I am looking for that one special person to make my queen and the center of my life.l am not arrogant and am very respectful and a good listener because every one's opinion is important. Why not write me today because if you don't ,you may never know when your prayers is been answered. Thanks for reading my page and good luck in your search.
About Paddai
Income: -
Religion: -
Tình trạng hôn nhân: -
Trẻ con: -
Hút thuốc: -
Rượu bia: -
Career: -
Học vấn: -
Chiều cao: -
Cân nặng: -
Thân hình: -
Màu tóc: -
Màu mắt: -
Other information
Ethnicity: -
First date: -
Live where: -
Living with: -
Ngoại hình: -
Age preference: -
Level of faith: -
Spending habits: -
Humor: -