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ClarissaPeeters, Crescent, , Estados Unidos
Sou: Mulher
Idade: 35 | Ver biorrítimo
Lugar: Crescent, Oklahoma, Estados Unidos
Relacionamento: Marriage
Atividade: 21-09-20

My life
I am looking for a soul mate a serious and sincere relationship without making head with an honest man. my dynamism and my joie de vivre will seduce you. I like to undertake, to love and to share, the complicity with the loved one is my ideal Respectful faithful and I know how to take care of a man simply I am a passionate one if one loves me and me too.If you are sure of what you are looking for: serious relationship, lasting, to create a harmonious home, to share values or to make acquaintances ... Everything is possible, do not waste time! The rest is a matter of feeling ...
Sobre ClarissaPeeters
Renda: -
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Bebe: -
Carreira: -
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Peso: -
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Outras informações
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Live where: -
Living with: -
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Age preference: -
Level of faith: -
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Humor: -