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derricksael149, Florina, , Greece
Sunt: Bărbat
Vârstă: 60 | Vezi bioritm
Locație: Florina, Florina, Greece
Tipul de Relație: Căsătorie
Ultima activitate: 10-12-19

Despre mine
I'm General Michael Derricks, who serves in the U.S. army on a peacekeeping mission in Sanna Yemen, is pleased to meet you. I have a deal I want to entrust to you that will benefit both of us, and I believed you could handle it for me.
During our investigation here, I and my team discovered a huge amount of money that belong to some bad government staff who use it to support rebels here in Yemen, me and my team share the fund among ourselves.
Because of the attack and rebellion we have here, I transferred my share to a security company in Lome Republic Togo through a UN diplomatic envoy, during our UN meeting in West Africa earlier some years age.
Now I want to trust you to help me get the shipment containing the money at the security company, since i don't know how long I will last here, and comparing the daily attack we get here every day. I mean offer you 35% of the total amount for your acceptance to qualify for the shipment .
Despre derricksael149
Venituri: 1000 sau mai mult
Religie: Evanghelic
Stare civilă: Văduv(ă)
Copii: Vreau copii
Fumat: Niciodată
Băutură: Beau ocazional
Carieră: Resurse Umane
Educație: Doctorat
Înălțime:: 190 cm
Greutate:: 77 Kg
Conformație corp:: Atletic(ă)
Culoarea părului:: Negru
Culoarea ochilor:: Negru
Alte informații
Etnie: American nativ
Prima intalnire: Cină
Unde Locuiești: Într-o altă țară
Locuiești cu: Singur(ă)
Aspect: Frumos
Preferință de vârstă: Vârsta nu este importantă
Credincios: Sunt moderat religios
Obiceiuri: Sunt pe un buget
Umor: Sunt foarte amuzant(ă)