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Notloved01, Hialeah, , Estados Unidos
Tengo: Mujer
Edad: 41 | Ver Bio-ritmo
Ubicación: Hialeah, Florida, Estados Unidos
Tipo de Relación: Serio
Última Actividad: 07-01-20

Seeking for someone to share my life with
I value time with my family and friends because in the end relationships are the most important thing. I live a pretty active lifestyle. I try to get to the gym at least 2 times per week. I love the outdoors as camping , golf and hiking are some of the hobbies I enjoy. I recently took some ballroom dance classes and it was a blast!! Be awesome to have someone to go with.
Acerca de Notloved01
Ingresos: -
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Fumador(a): -
Bebida: -
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Educación: -
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Peso: -
Cuerpo: -
Cabello: -
Ojos: -
Otra Información
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Primera cita: -
Donde viven: -
Viviendo con: -
Apariencia: -
Preferencia de Edad: -
Nivel de fe: -
Spending habits: -
Humor: -