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vickyagenda, Blandinsville, , United States
Jsem: Žena
Věk: 39 | View biorythm
Poloha: Blandinsville, Illinois, United States
Relationship Type: Marriage
Last Activity: 14-09-20

About me
i encountered a life struggle so many times on my way.Even when i reach the age of 70,i know i will still face them.No matter how life hard is
on you ,never give up.I just visited my 12th city and i am so gratefuk to God that i am on the verge of acheiving my travelling goals.I love to travel a lot especially with my partner.Not everyone had the opportunity to see his or her 89th birthday.At first,i thought i was getting late but i knew i will get wedded after i am 21.I pray to God that at least my husband will stay with me for more than 35 years or till death take any of us away.
So that i can tell the story that we started from here.I'm a good,caring inetlligent and brilliant woman.I try to put smiles on the face of everyone who gets close to me.I just made a puzzle from the story i said in my profile.This puzzle will help you to get my digits so you can call or text me.All you need to do is to write all the numbers you see accordingly and send me a text or call me.
O nás vickyagenda
Income: -
Religion: -
Stav: -
Děti: -
Kouření: -
Pití alkoholu: -
Career: -
Vzdělání: -
Výška: -
Váha: -
Postava: -
Barva vlasů: -
Barva očí: -
Other information
Ethnicity: -
First date: -
Live where: -
Living with: -
Appearance: -
Age preference: -
Level of faith: -
Spending habits: -
Humor: -