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hellen1, Acme, , United States
Tôi là Nam/Nữ/Gay/Les: Nữ
Age: 39 | View biorythm
Location: Acme, Pennsylvania, United States
Relationship Type: Serious
Last Activity: 18-03-20

Giới thiệu bản thân
a very caring and understanding person who putmuch effort and workm in anything i want to do, i dislike failure it never been part of me, am business woman and into fashion attires
About hellen1
Income: I'd rather not say
Religion: Catholic
Tình trạng hôn nhân: Chưa kết hôn bao giờ
Trẻ con: Chưa có con
Hút thuốc: Không hút thuốc
Rượu bia: Không uống
Career: Advertising
Học vấn: Cao học
Chiều cao: 168 cm
Cân nặng: 48 kg
Thân hình: Trung bình
Màu tóc: Đen
Màu mắt: Xám
Other information
Ethnicity: Mixed Race
First date: Movies
Live where: In a city
Living with: With my parents
Ngoại hình: Good looking
Age preference: Someone older
Level of faith: I am not religious
Spending habits: I save my money
Humor: I enjoy a good joke or story