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cicikamon, Broomfield, , Estados Unidos
Sou: Mulher
Idade: 37 | Ver biorrítimo
Lugar: Broomfield, Colorado, Estados Unidos
Relacionamento: Marriage
Atividade: 03-09-18

I consider myself a lucky woman. Along the way, I’ve had the good fortune of meeting lots of interes
I’d describe myself as a bright, ambitious woman with a warm heart and a zest for life. I’m a compassionate person, and treating others with kindness and respect is important to me. Though I’m ambitious and dedicated at work, I’m young at heart in my personal time and enjoy new adventures and finding the humor in life. My friends tell me that my energy is contagious and seem to think I’m fun to be with.
Sobre cicikamon
Renda: I'd rather not say
Religião: Christian/Other
Estado civil: Solteiro(a)
Família: Não sei ao certo
Fuma: Não
Bebe: Socialmente
Carreira: Public Relations
Educação: Associate's degree
Altura: 160 cm
Peso: 45 kg
Corpo: Na média
Cabelo: Castanho claro
Olhos: Castanho
Outras informações
Raça: Asian
First date: A kiss
Live where: In a small town
Living with: Solteiro(a)
Appearance: Na média
Age preference: Age is not Important
Level of faith: I am new to my religion
Spending habits: I am on a budget
Humor: I enjoy a good joke or story