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adalbert101, Wayne, , Estados Unidos
Sou: Homem
Idade: 60 | Ver biorrítimo
Lugar: Wayne, Pennsylvania, Estados Unidos
Relacionamento: Serious
Atividade: 15-01-18

Serious Relationship
I am a person who is ambitious, optimistic, playful, hardworking, and devoted, intelligent,
trusting, genuine, honest, sincere, witty and easy going. I'm very passionate in all areas of my
life. I am very responsible and try to eat right, workout and live a healthy life. I stay active and
have a good time doing it
Sobre adalbert101
Renda: $75,000-$100,000
Religião: Catholic
Estado civil: Viúvo(a)
Família: Não quero filhos
Fuma: Não
Bebe: Socialmente
Carreira: Сonstruction
Educação: Graduate degree
Altura: 178 cm
Peso: 126 kg
Corpo: Na média
Cabelo: Loiro claro
Olhos: Azul
Outras informações
Raça: Caucasian/White
First date: Dinner
Live where: In a city
Living with: Solteiro(a)
Appearance: Na média
Age preference: Age is not Important
Level of faith: I believe, but I rarely go to services
Spending habits: I am cheap
Humor: I am very funny