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christie, Florida City, , Stati Uniti
Sesso: Femminile
Età: 39 | Vedi Bioritmo
Da: Florida City, Florida, Stati Uniti
Tipo di relazione: Matrimonio
Ultimo login: 13-09-19

im single woman and am looking for long term relationship
im Loving, very passionate, emotional, sensual, romantic. I always remain natural, open and honest to myself and to the people who surround me. I believe in true love and I know for sure that I can fill the life of my man with great love, and our home with warmth and coziness. I want to look into his eyes and feel happy. I am a sympathetic lady, kind and faithful, and I hope that my desire to find my man will be fulfilled in the near future!
Informazioni su christie
Guadagno: -
Religione: -
Situazione sentimentale: -
Figli: -
Fumatore/trice: -
Bevitore/trice: -
Carriera: -
Istruzione: -
Altezza: -
Peso: -
Fisico: -
Capelli: -
Occhi: -
Altre informazioni
Etnia: -
First date: -
Live where: -
Living with: -
Aspetto: -
Preferenza dell'età: -
Level of faith: -
Spending habits: -
Humor: -