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sandra3434, Mount Marion, , Estados Unidos
Sou: Mulher
Idade: 53 | Ver biorrítimo
Lugar: Mount Marion, New York, Estados Unidos
Relacionamento: Marriage
Atividade: 03-06-20

I am a hardworking woman. I am very sociable and a good friend. I like to share a lot with my family. I am responsible, loving, attentive and faithful. I wish I could have a good partner and thus have a family. I really like to take care of my physical appearance because although the heart of a person is the main thing, I think that maintaining a good image also speaks of how who we are as person in terms of organization.
Sobre sandra3434
Renda: $50,000-$75,000
Religião: Christian/Other
Estado civil: Solteiro(a)
Família: Quero filhos
Fuma: Não
Bebe: Socialmente
Carreira: Customer service/support
Educação: Some College
Altura: 178 cm
Peso: 47 kg
Corpo: Magro
Cabelo: Preto
Olhos: Preto
Outras informações
Raça: Mixed Race
First date: Dinner
Live where: In a city
Living with: Solteiro(a)
Appearance: Above average
Age preference: Someone older
Level of faith: I believe, but I rarely go to services
Spending habits: I save my money
Humor: I enjoy a good joke or story