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Angela7X, Califon, , Stati Uniti
Sesso: Femminile
Età: 40 | Vedi Bioritmo
Da: Califon, New Jersey, Stati Uniti
Ultimo login: 09-10-20

What is meant to be will be
I am a friendly, respectful and positive person. All the people are different and I do not feel like changing anyone! I get along easily with people who are sincere and open with me and I do not bother with my attention those who do not appreciate me. So if we feel comfortable with each other in communication, I will make efforts to keep this connection, you do not need to start from sky to attract me..
Informazioni su Angela7X
Guadagno: -
Religione: -
Situazione sentimentale: -
Figli: -
Fumatore/trice: -
Bevitore/trice: -
Carriera: -
Istruzione: -
Altezza: -
Peso: -
Fisico: -
Capelli: -
Occhi: -
Altre informazioni
Etnia: -
First date: -
Live where: -
Living with: -
Aspetto: -
Preferenza dell'età: -
Level of faith: -
Spending habits: -
Humor: -