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jeejatools, Hangzhou, , China
Sunt: Femeie
Vârstă: 26 | Vezi bioritm
Locație: Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Tipul de Relație: Căsătorie
Ultima activitate: 08-01-21 | Vezi blog

Will The Bi-metal In The Bi-metal Hole Saws Expand By Heat?
Despre mine
When the load current passes through the heating wire, the Bi-metal sheet in the Bi-metal hole saws will be thermally deformed. The reason is that the expansion coefficients of the two metal sheets are not the same, so the metal sheet with the large expansion coefficient will bend to the metal sheet with the small expansion coefficient. This kind of physical characteristics is used to convert the contact point of the thermal relay and complete the disconnection of the control loop. Let the DC contactor electromagnetic coil trip, disconnect the main power circuit to terminate the motor operation, and then have overvoltage protection.
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